Monthly Archives: January 2012



It has to be said that I am not really a Winter girl..I much prefer the Spring and Summer and am longing for those lighter mornings and longer evenings. Maybe it’s because I was a June baby? I don’t know, but I do know that these dank, dark winter days get me down..

I mean, just look out of my lounge window…this is what it looked like in the lazy hazy days of Summer


and this is what that exact same space now looks like (minus my wicker car boot furniture finds)


It’s not all doom and gloom though – if you look very carefully you can see signs of Spring..





Ah..that’s better!

Note to self…..(and a Tah-Dah!)


….this just won’t do! no it won’t. In 7 months you have managed to make just three, yes THREE, blog posts.


I have no excuse, I really don’t – especially since one of my New Year’s promises to myself was to blog more regularly. We have however had a rather sad start to 2012. My lovely Man’s dear Mum passed away at the beginning of January and we seem to have been hurtled to the end of the month without us noticing. Very sad. She had been poorly for a long while though so we are comforted that she is now at peace.

One thing that has been a constant through the winter evenings though is my latest crochet project and I just couldn’t wait to show you this morning.

Would you like a peek?….ok. Here goes….


And now for the finished (all except for the sewing in of the ends -please tell me you can’t see them!) item….


I am quite pleased…I even blocked all 144 squares! I’m not sure that on our bed will be it’s final destination…I might have to take pictures of it in several locations and put it to the vote!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday….

Nikki x